Our members consist of 37 practices from across Nottingham city. This allows us to draw upon the skills and experience of 37 teams of GPs, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare assistants (HCAs), administrators and receptionists. They are all experts in their fields and have a good understanding of their local patient communities.
The Nottingham City General Practice Alliance (NCGPA) develop and deliver innovative solutions that draw upon the skilled expertise of our members and allow them to respond to the challenges that they face day-to-day in the ever-changing and unpredictable NHS landscape.
Here, you can find out about some of the services we have developed as we strive to meet these challenges.
On The Day Service for Nottingham City East
A collaboration between NCGPA, CityCare, and Nottingham City East PCN resulted in an expansion to the On Day Service pilot to increase capacity over the winter period 2023/24.
This project created extra urgent same day appointments based in a central hub that practices can utilise if they are at full capacity.